Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tiaras for Mum

Don't know why a farm girl from Iowa would love tiaras  (hate pageants, BTW) but I do.Maybe it was watching "A Queen for a Day" on TV in the 50s (when I was a VERY SMALL CHILD!!!)

Sparkles. Jewels. So much cooler than barrettes.
So now I can just make them. and I have been doing just that.
Some of these are wearable....but I know that most people who may love tiaras and crowns most likely won't wear them much....so some are really designed for your Queen Mum (Mom) to hold her crown jewels (Grandkids photos).

Like this...(aren't my sister's grandkids and my nephews cute???)

I really like the copper and turquoise combination.

But tiaras to wear are cool, too, like this one from stained glass.

Yup, it's a bit heavy. So, ask any monarch if wearing a crown isn't hard work!
This one is lighter....

Then there's this - made from an old silver-plated basket. It was all dented and bent, partly detached from the very crumpled bowl. Found it in the back of my friend Dewey's truck (he's a metal recycler...good friend to have!) Now it's a circlet crown, of sorts. Maybe Laura will like it.

Such fun. Happy Spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Is it possible to purchase any of your tiaras? I really like the photo holder one, or the mom one (it's my mom's 50th bday next week!) Let me know if this is at all possible!! Thanks!